I love the new year. Fresh. Full of possibility. It’s no secret that I love rocks. And I’m in a happy place standing or sitting in front of my grinder. Led Zeppelin playing. So I just keep cabbing and cabbing. And I love making jewelry. My conundrum is that I am making cabs faster than I can set them. I have a lot. And one of my vices is buying rocks. LOL. I posed the question on FB and IG asking if I should list some for sale and was pleasantly surprised and humbled by the response. So listing it is. 🙂 If I can figure out the best way to handle shipping on here I’ll list them on my site. Otherwise I’ll just list them on my Azoho FB page. And there are groups that I belong to on FB that have auctions a few days each week. I’ll get this sorted out and it put a smile on my face.
Fresh Rocks
Well maybe freshly ground and polished might be a better description. This little handful is almost finished with the lapidary (stone cutting) process and will be ready for jewelry shortly. They are still attached to handles (Dop sticks) so I’ll take off the nails and polish the back. A couple are spoken for but the rest will be in designs for my next show. I like to bring a bunch of new pieces to each show. Then each piece has to find it’s owner and I love it when that happens.

Cave Creek Red Jasper, Amazonite, Howlite and Dino Bone.
New bunch of stackers
New stackers. Although I’ve got some shows coming up I’d like to add some of these to the shop here and maybe some in the etsy shop. Some of these are plain bands which are terrific spacers. The others have doodads on them. Charms. Skullies. Hearts. And a star. Because baby you’re a star! I love stacking anything. These are very popular at shows!