***Preview Sale has concluded and the comments have been turned off on this post. See any available cabs in my Instagram Sale this afternoon at 2:30 eastern. (Wednesday 5.24.17) Catch ya next week!
Welcome to the preview of the cabs that will be available this week. As we’ve done before, these cabs will be available until noon tomorrow for my insiders. After that I’ll close the comments while I prep for the sale on Instagram. If you’d like to claim a stone, do so in the comments of this post by photo number and choice. If you don’t see your comment it’s in my dashboard and I’ll clear them out in the morning.
A listing will be created for you here on the website by end of day on Wednesday. (Click on shop) You’ll then have 24 hours to complete the transaction. Thanks for swinging by to have a peek- here’s hoping that you get what you want! Let’s get started.

L: Black Jasper with natural top. Sold
R: Blue Goldstone with subtle sparkle. $22

L: Amazonite $16
R; Rose Quartz $20

L: Old Stock Turquoise $22
R: Green Goldstone. $21

L: Heart $22
R: Drop $22

That’s all for this week. Thanks for coming along on my journey. Sending much love your way.